Article 25 Arbitration Awards
- The awards provided on this page consist of the Article 25 decisions circulated to WTO Members. The list is updated immediately after each new decision is circulated.
- Click on a column header to SORT. Drag column header to top left to GROUP. Click on
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- The last column is a link to our Dispute Settlement Commentary for the decision, and is only accessible to subscribers.
DSU Article 25 is titled "Arbitration," and provides:
1. Expeditious arbitration within the WTO as an alternative means of dispute settlement can facilitate the solution of certain disputes that concern issues that are clearly defined by both parties.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this Understanding, resort to arbitration shall be subject to mutual agreement of the parties which shall agree on the procedures to be followed. Agreements to resort to arbitration shall be notified to all Members sufficiently in advance of the actual commencement of the arbitration process.
3. Other Members may become party to an arbitration proceeding only upon the agreement of the parties which have agreed to have recourse to arbitration. The parties to the proceeding shall agree to abide by the arbitration award. Arbitration awards shall be notified to the DSB and the Council or Committee of any relevant agreement where any Member may raise any point relating thereto.
4. Articles 21 and 22 of this Understanding shall apply mutatis mutandis to arbitration awards.